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The British Frozen Food Federation has warned that consumers could be put off eating fish if new EU rules on the labelling dates of frozen fish are not clarified.

The Food Information for Consumers Regulation, which will come into practice on December 13, states that the first date on which a fish was frozen has to be labelled on the pack. However, there has been significant confusion over whether this date is the first date on which a fish is frozen, or the first date on which a product containing fish is frozen.Fresh Fish In Ice

Commenting on the confusion, BFFF technical manager Su Dakin says that fish can be kept frozen for up to a year before processing, noting that “it’s not a fish product when it is frozen at sea… it becomes a fish product once its filleted or processed, so we think the date of freezing should be applied to the product that is sold to the consumer.”

The Abacus Guardian temperature monitoring system ensures that your product’s temperature never drops below or above the parameters you set without you knowing, so whether your fish is refrigerated for a year or a month before processing, you can be sure that it has been frozen safely the whole time.

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